Labanotation or Kinetography Laban is the graphical standardized representation of human movement, where the centre of gravity and the movement of the body are analyzed, furthermore, the direction into which body parts are moving within space, and the intensity and duration of the movement from the beginning to the end are represented. This notation system has become well established to record dance movements in modern as well as in folk dance. With kinetographic symbols, every movement of the human body can be represented including even the finger motion.
This method of recording was invented by the Hungarian choreographer and dance teacher Rudolf von Laban (1879–1958) who was the first to record dancing as a three-dimensional phenomenon in a two-dimensional format. Such recording is called Labanotation score or kinetogram.
The program LabaNotator is a modern computer program, which enables the recording of kinetograms using computer language. This recording is used for later modifications and improvements. Unlike other similar programs, the LabaNotator operates in Microsoft Windows operating system, and enables editing of existing and adding of new symbols, moreover, it enables simple management of symbols, the use of pre-defined symbols from libraries of symbols, automatic updates etc.
Key Features:
- Drawing of symbols using the drawing toolbar, which enables the user to draw almost all symbols;
- Easy moving and management of symbols with the mouse or using keyboard shortcuts;
- Simultaneous management of multiple scores at one time and copying of symbols between them;
- Scores can be separated into several layers, which is similar to functions of other graphics editors (Adobe Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, GIMP etc.);
- Use of paper formats like A0–A5, B3–B5, letter or random size;
- Possibility to draw on a random sized square net (adjustable height and width);
- Undo/restore function;
- Management of symbols using functions such as cut, copy, paste, delete, horizontal flip, vertical flip, bring to front, send to back, group/ungroup, lock/unlock, rotate, stretch, shorten, align left/right etc.;
- Zoom functions;
- Multi-Document (Tab interface);
- Possible export to PDF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF;
- Multilingual User Interface (MUI). Currently supported languages: English, German, Slovenian, Croatian;
- Built-in languages editor;
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